Saturday, July 15, 2006

What's all this?
Poems and songs were never my strong points. But one guy spun such beauty from words and that made me try. Another guy suggested I keep a notebook so I wouldn't lose the words. And I hope another guy will come along and read poems to me, perhaps sing to me. In the meantime, I'll try my hand at taming my emotions into words. Every now and then, I post songs and poems by people who inspire me.

Why is the url burnmetocopper?
The little American blood in me (from three generations ago) has granted me dark brown hair. When I sit in the late afternoon sun, the sun burns my hair into copper strands. For that reason, I like sitting in the sun in the afternoons. It's then that I usually scribble things into the little notebook I have for those moments. I'd like to have the hair color I get when I'm in the sun. I'd also like to be a better poet. The two just seem to be connected to me. Hence, the URL.
Other Crumpled Balls
- i walk alonei run alonei eat aloneat least there's...
- i wish the miles between us didn't exist...the war...
- When one is an asthmatic, the first thing one lear...
- "When someone hurts you, they have power over you....
- don' it.don't stuff a lobsteri...
- some days, i think you're apatheticand that me bel...
- if he says you're iti won't go crazyif he says you...
- your voice is on repeata steady beat to the wail o...
- the curtain fallsand the academic year takes its b...
- bleary eyed with sleep mussed hairi turned the kno...
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